Men's, Children and Living Department, Living Room, Master Ayaka Kobayashi


2016.4 Joined Fujisaki Assigned to bedding sales floor
2020.3 Assistant team manager for bedding products
2021.3 Living In charge of the shop master of Date Craft Shop

― Why did you decide to join Fujisaki?

From my experience in club activities and part-time job when I was a student, I realized that having my partner happy and smile with what I did was doing has led to my own reward and growth. In addition, I wanted to get a job where I could make use of the marketing and hospitality fields I learned in the Faculty of Business Administration at the university, so I chose Fujisaki, a sales and customer service business.
I was fascinated by the fact that the local department store is rooted in the local community and is developing with local people, so I joined the company because I wanted to contribute to the local community through a traditional company.

― Please tell me about your current job content and rewarding.

I am in charge of the operation of Date Craft, a shop that collects traditional crafts and craft products from the six Tohoku prefectures. His work includes the development and management of products that convey the goodness of handicrafts and rediscover the charm of Tohoku, event planning to sell them, mobilization measures using newsletters and SNS, etc. . In addition, there are a wide variety of jobs related to shop management, such as sales analysis and training sales staff.

I am responsible because I am in charge of the shop, but since I can experience everything from product selection to sales, it is very rewarding and realize that it leads to my own growth every day.

― What do you want to challenge in the future?

In the future, while always wearing an antenna, we will continue to select traditional crafts from the six Tohoku prefectures, mainly in Miyagi Prefecture, and up-to-date craft products by contemporary artists in a well-balanced manner, and also engage in the development of our own original products.

We will contribute to regional development together with local companies and aim to create a sales floor where customers will never get tired of whenever they come to the store.

― How do you spend your time off?

I like traveling, and I often went there before the pandemic. I like to study and plan sightseeing spots, hidden restaurants, and inns, so I want to go to various places again when I calm down.