Information on My Page

My page

"My Page" for members of Fujisaki

My page

By registering on My Page, you will receive advantageous information such as double points of Fujisaki and the latest information.
Shopping in Fujisaki, such as point inquiry and online shopping, is more convenient and advantageous!

To register My Page >

Services on My Page

Discounted information and membership-only benefits and announcements

Content introduction screen

 Notice of Double Point Day, Special Offers,
 The latest information such as events
 We will deliver it as soon as possible.

Inquiry about point balance, etc.

Point Inquiry Screen

 ●F point balance
 ●Fujisaki Tomo no Kai Shopping Card Balance
 ●+F Card charge balance
 ●Achievement of Birthday Benefits
 ●Performance of Bonus Points
  You can check the details of various points.
 ※Depending on the type of card being linked
  The contents displayed will be different.

Feel free to go online shopping

Internet shopping screen

 By ID (email address) and password of My Page
 Fujisaki Online (net shopping) is also available.
 You can use it.
   Address book, order history, etc.
   There are also useful functions limited to online members.
   You can use it.

How to register My Page

Already on Fujisaki Online (net shopping)
Those who have already registered

Online members

After entering your registered member ID (email address) and password.
Please press "Login".

Those who are registered for the first time

First-time customers

Please press "New Member Registration" to proceed to registration.

If you have an F card, please prepare your F card.

F-card cooperation


Enter the number on your F card (number starting with 0 or number starting with 6) and your registered phone number.
The applicable registration details will be displayed at the bottom of the screen. Check the contents and press "Next".

※If you do not have an F card, please press the "If you do not have an F card" tab to proceed.
Even if you do not have an F card, if you register My Page from the Fujisaki app, you can receive various benefits as an F card member, and you can accumulate and use F points without an F card .
⇒Information on the Fujisaki app

To register My Page >

In addition!

If you register My Page from the Fujisaki app, you can use it more conveniently!

Register My Page from the app

You can earn points for shopping in Fujisaki, both at stores and online shopping!
Points earned can be used for shopping.

Those who already have an F card

If you link your F card
It's convenient for shopping!

Those who do not have an F card

When you register My Page from the Fujisaki app
You can receive various benefits as an F-card member.
Even if you don't have an F card, you can earn F points.
You can use it.

F points that can be earned

Information on the Fujisaki app >

Flow of My Page Registration

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